If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come. Chinese Proverb
A forest bird never wants a cage. Henrik Ibsen
We think caged birds sing, when indeed they cry. John Webster
A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song. Chinese Proverb
A guest sees more in an hour than the host in a year. Polish Proverb
How easy to be amiable in the midst of happiness and success. Anne Sophie Swetchine
“Hope” is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tunes without the words And never stops at all. Emily Dickinson
A good laugh is sunshine in a house. William Makepeace Thackeray
Suffering is the price of being alive, and it is music and singing and art that has helped me live through some of the most difficult things that have happened to me. Judy Collins
Occurring on December 29, this Capricorn new Moon (6:52 am GMT) is seeing out the last of 2016, and, now we head into 2017. I think a lot of people will be cheering as we see the end of this year. We have had the Saturn/Neptune square messing and fooling with our hopes and dreams for the last year or so, and, we've seen many celebrities pass away. That - our losses both collective and personal - and events on the political scene all over the world - have no doubt added to the sense of 'where in what new fresh hell are we heading?' We enter 2017 with a lot of uncertainties, and, obviously, we need to keep the faith that all will be OK, even if we may be having a hard time seeing it panning out (like panning for gold, we need to be able to see those nuggets amongst the mud).
This new Moon is exactly conjunct a retrograding Mercury, so, we might find our minds working overtime with all the pressures, commitments, demands, worries, etc, especially as we're in Capricorn territory now, and, are feeling the need of having to perform, make money, cover the bills, etc. We may also find that we're running to keep up with people, it is the holiday season after all, and, this always asks us to answer emails, phone family and friends, or whatever.
It can be exhausting, but, there are rewards inherent in taking one step at a time, covering old ground (as well as new), and, tying up loose ends before heading into 2017. Even if only token efforts are made, we can achieve a lot by concentrating our energies into outcomes that can work for us, even if it feels like we're cycling backwards at times, picking up the pieces of things that have broken down or perhaps aren't going in the way we want them to go.
Letting go of the past is a big theme of this period as the Moon's south node has both Mars and Neptune conjuncting it, drawing us back into the past and making it imperative that we sort things out that hold us in emotions, thoughts, or situations that no longer serve us. Now is a good time for analysing what thoughts and emotions come to mind; is what comes up useful to you, or, is it about something that really needs to be forgiven or forgotten?
In amongst the energies going on, we have the Uranus/Pluto square pulling things up for inspection again. Even though it is a separating aspect, we are feeling it (and, have been for some years), especially as Jupiter is in a t-square with Uranus and Pluto. This has brought up a lot of social and political discourse and pain and many feel politically cast adrift and unsure what the future will bring in the greater scheme of things. Staying true to our values, choosing which battles will further us, and, keeping an eye on our reactions to the things we're seeing or hearing can help enormously. This does not necessarily mean just accepting injustices and the things that bother our sensibilities, rather, it's about choosing our 'causes'.
Even though this time feels rather tough, there are some really good aspects to this new Moon, and, we can make good use of them by concentrating on the good, those parts of our lives that reward us - that lift our spirits.
Although Mercury is retrograde, it, and this new Moon, are forming good aspects to the Moon's nodes (Mercury is trining the north node and sextiling the south), and, in the days following the new Moon, this aspect gets stronger, giving us the ability to form more positive outcomes, to make strides in our relationships, to see where we can head in the right direction. Adding to this is Mars and Neptune separating out from the south node - things will begin to lighten up.
Another, even more potent and positive aspect going on is the Uranus/Jupiter opposition, which is being supported by trines and sextiles from Saturn. Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn are asking (and, in some cases, pushing) us to let go and move towards positive possibilities. There is energy here for the new, and, with concentrated effort, we can make great strides with their energies at our back.
As many have said, including myself, 2016 was a 9 universal year in numerology - the end of a cycle - we go into a 1 year in 2017. A 1 year can, at times, feel like we're going down a new path with only a candle to illuminate our way, but, as the year progresses, we will no doubt feel the momentum increasing in the light of a new cycle. It's as if the universe is saying "OK, it's been tough, but here's a way out of the mire..."
Chiron, as always, is asking us to examine The Stories That We Tell Ourselves. Chiron has been retrograde for what seems to be an eternity (it has been retrograde and stationary for months and months). Chiron and Saturn are exactly square to each other with Chiron on Pisces 22: A Prophet Bringing Down The New Law From The Mountain, and, Saturn on Sagittarius 22: A Chinese Laundry. This can bring up the need to see where we may feel like a hamster in a wheel, and, how hard we may work for seemingly little rewards. Having said that, we have a prime opportunity to heal a lot of the 'wounds' that have built up over perhaps even lifetimes. Time to let go of old grudges, old wounds, old stories. Time to lay down some new 'laws' in our lives. What will and what won't you accept as we go into this new year?
I feel to give Venus and Lilith the last say: They are exactly square with Venus on Aquarius 25: A Butterfly With The Right Wing More Perfectly Formed and Lilith on Scorpio 25: An X-Ray Photograph Helps With The Diagnosis. It seems that Lilith wants us to go deep, to examine the ins and outs and to not take things at surface value. We can be attached but dispassionate, be welcoming and yet discerning... We also have that type of warning through the agency of Mercury on The Veiled Prophet degree (which is also the Karmic Condition of this new Moon). Look deeply...
What a time! I wish all of you a fabulous New Year, and, a loving and rewarding time
with friends and family. I know I'm not alone in wanting to see 2016 go into the dustbin of history! :)
Setting your intentions on the new moon...
The new Moon each month marks a time of new beginnings and realisations. It's like a birth after a time of gestation or being 'in the womb'. Here, the light begins to return and we can see new beginnings and possibilities. A new Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are both together - bringing a synergy of their energies together. The new Moon is a perfect time to set your intentions for the future. This period is wonderful for planting seeds of whatever kind.
What do you want to manifest in your future? Whether you write it down, sing about it or just hold the thought forms in your mind, doing this at the new Moon can realise some fabulous results around the things that you want to draw into your life.
If you would like a reading with me to explore these possibilities and set your intentions for your year ahead, here are some options.
I have a special on my readings available until 30 December. You can take advantage of a 20% discount on astrology and current conditions readings to save up to $44. Please use the coupon code 2017 to apply your discount during checkout.
The New Moon is on Capricorn 8: BIRDS IN THE HOUSE SINGING HAPPILY - this degree is a beautiful one, and, this new Moon is on the very last minute of this degree. So, the following degree, Capricorn 9: An Angel Comes Carrying A Harp, kicks in just minutes after the exact new Moon. Both of these Symbols ask that we concentrate on the beauty around us...
This degree shows the spreading of joy, happiness and laughter to those around you. It also shows that music can lighten people’s spirits. Further, thinking positive thoughts, being loving and accepting of others are the hallmarks of this degree. Listening to the songs of birds can be rather magical and can bring spiritual messages. By expressing your pleasure you can lift the feelings of others and they will most likely join in the chorus, in some way. Even though there are a number of social rules to follow, that shouldn't bother you. This is a sign of sharing good feelings and happiness with all who enter your sphere of operations.
Keywords: Being at one with everything. Tunes sung or whistled. The promise of contentment. Communal sharing and fun. Faith in the good things of life. Music. Instruments. Playing the piano. Singing. The radio. Chattering in the background. Entertaining others. Seeing the beauty in life. Reminding others of how life can be rewarding. The sound of voices. Birds. Positive thinking.
The Caution: Idle chatter. Smug superiority. Not seeing the happiness inherent in everyday life. Loneliness. Feeling abandoned. Whining and complaining. Demanding.
The Moon symbolizes: Emotions, moods, mother, family, clan, domestic issues, relationship to home and country. Feelings, sentiments, nourishment, emotional nurturing, monkey chatter mind, lunar and menstrual cycles, clarity of emotions or lunacy. Female energy - yours and others.
The Karmic Degree for the new Moon is Capricorn 7: A VEILED PROPHET SPEAKS, SEIZED BY THE POWER OF A GOD - this is a really potent degree, and, Mercury is also highlighting it now. It's interesting to note what's going on politically - can we 'trust' what we're hearing? Can we really put our faith in those that are 'in charge'? This is a fascinating Symbol in that, if we tune into our intuition, really listen to our gut, we can have some amazing realizations and breakthroughs. The trick is to be discerning about what we let into our force field.
This degree implies disseminating information or knowledge; there are messages and they are coming from a deep source, or, from a place of authority. Still, it can be difficult to know whether it’s always the truth that is being spoken or that’s coming through. Look carefully for the signs - is it truth that you are being fed? With such power in one's words, we have to be careful about what we say as well as what we hear. This energy can be used for the good of all involved, or it can just lead people astray. Something to watch out for is blind acceptance of things you see or hear. This is a very powerful degree.
Keywords: Hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion. Manipulation of lesser beings. Having insights that transport to other levels. Channelling and medium ship. Translations. Prophets and bringers of messages. Empowerment. Messages erupting. Speaking. Announcing. Bearing important news. Power. Charisma. Veils. Background voices.
The Caution: Conscious manipulation. Propaganda. Mind control. Not owning up to all the elements of one's personality. Barging into other people's space or conversations.
The Quest Degree for the new Moon is Capricorn 9: AN ANGEL COMES CARRYING A HARP - as I mentioned above, this degree kicks in just minutes after the new Moon = it is also a very strong Symbol to keep in mind.
This degree shows being able to care for others - being there when they need it. It also shows that “Angels” will come when you call on them, when you’re most in need yourself. You may be able to 'tune in' and radiate harmony around you, inspiring confidence and joy. This pictures care, generosity and a fulfilled selfhood. Inspiring people to do their best can bring rewards to all concerned. The trick with this degree can be sorting out whether to trust the ‘tune’ that others sometimes play. Following someone for the wrong reasons can just lead you astray.
Keywords: Demons driven away by music. Lifting faith and hope. Messages of peace from the other side. Having a message to spin. Being in tune, spiritually. Having an elevated view of humanity. Creating harmony. Blowing the whistle. Advertising. Salvation that arrives when most needed. Harmonics. Music and musical instruments. Visitations of spirit. Messages of love and hope arriving. Pulling on the heartstrings. Heavenly attunement. Beautiful tunes. Promises of redemption. Revelations. Plucking strings.
The Caution: Having a holier-than-thou attitude. Losing oneself in fantasy. Tricking people with soothing words that mean nothing. Harping on about things. The Pied Piper.
Mercury is retrograde on Capricorn 7: A VEILED PROPHET SPEAKS, SEIZED BY THE POWER OF A GOD - Mercury retrograde is very closely tied in with this new Moon, and, it's retrograde, and it's interesting to note the recent talk of 'fake news', fake posts on social media, etc, and, this degree has been involved in all of that. Mercury went over this degree a few weeks ago, so, it's been part of this push to marginalise and delegitimize some 'news', some reports, or memes. Mercury here is asking that we be discerning around not only what we hear, what we digest, what we believe, but, also, what we say.
This degree implies disseminating information or knowledge; there are messages and they are coming from a deep source, or, from a place of authority. Still, it can be difficult to know whether it’s always the truth that is being spoken or that’s coming through. Look carefully for the signs - is it truth that you are being fed? With such power in one's words, we have to be careful about what we say as well as what we hear. This energy can be used for the good of all involved, or it can just lead people astray. Something to watch out for is blind acceptance of things you see or hear. This is a very powerful degree.
Keywords: Hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion. Manipulation of lesser beings. Having insights that transport to other levels. Channelling and medium ship. Translations. Prophets and bringers of messages. Empowerment. Messages erupting. Speaking. Announcing. Bearing important news. Power. Charisma. Veils. Background voices.
The Caution: Conscious manipulation. Propaganda. Mind control. Not owning up to all the elements of one's personality. Barging into other people's space or conversations.
Mercury symbolizes: Mind, thought, communication, memory, expression, intelligence. News, exchanges, chatting, conversations, short journeys, connections with others, telephones, emails, siblings, neighbors, the reasoning mind. Day-to-day activities. Cars, keys, small animals.
Venus is on Aquarius 25: A BUTTERFLY WITH THE RIGHT WING MORE PERFECTLY FORMED - this is a lovely Symbol, but, it can have us flapping about, not knowing which way to go, or, it can feel like we've over-extended ourselves in some areas. This can further us, but, if an imbalance gets too out of hand, it can lead to us achieving very little.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to find balance, to find your center so that you might be more effective, stable and organized. As the “Butterfly” has a “Right Wing More Perfectly Formed”, you may be applying your rational logical mind out of balance to your intuitive and creative wisdom, or, vice versa. It is often harder to understand your intuitive messages, but reliance on logic can limit your possibilities. However, not applying logic can lead to big problems as well. There can be physical handicaps which may prevent one from truly doing what one wants, or strange imbalances on the spiritual level.
Keywords: Rising above life's distortions. A need to bring some type of balance to situations. Injuries or problems with hands or arms. One side being more 'Perfect' than the other. The 'Right' being better than the left. Mutations. Handicaps. Challenges. Disabilities. Impediments. Let us take things as we find them: let us not attempt to distort them into what they are not. We cannot make facts. All our wishing cannot change them. We must use them. John Henry Cardinal Newman
The Caution: Imbalance of function. Lopsidedness. Flapping around and getting no where. Mutations. Being at a disadvantage. Hindrances. Judging beauty on external appearances.
Venus symbolizes: Relatedness, cooperation, what attracts you. The experience of sweetness, beauty or delight. Social interactions, love, friends, how you reach out to people. Feminine persona, relationship with mother and females. Money, possessions, sense of values.
Mars is on Pisces 8: A GIRL BLOWING A BUGLE - Mars here can be very interesting, especially as it's conjunct Neptune (and, in Pisces). We may feel as though we want to sound off, to make our case, to be heard. Of course, this could be about others in your life; you might be marvelling at people that just don't know when to call it quits - when they've said or done enough. It could be that it's time you contributed to the chorus, making your thoughts felt...
This shows sounding the call, rallying people together, knowing when to speak or “Blow a Bugle” to awaken others, to wake up to realities going on in the world, join some cause, etc. Perhaps you feel the need to wake up those around you, or, perhaps be woken yourself. When situations get bogged down in emotional or rational complexity and everyone just needs to be rallying and going for the objective, you may be the one to let everyone know. Sometimes this Symbol can show someone who makes a lot of noise; justified or unjustified and they can get people moving. Using simple, receptive innocence will get situations back on track.
Keywords: Sounding the call. Awakening all to action. Going on and on about something. Loudspeakers, telephones, announcements. Being prepared to state one's case. Calling attention to one's self. Blowing your own trumpet. Whistleblowers. Heralding and proclaiming the dawn. Rise and shine! Girls in a man's world. Leading the charge. Resurrection. Mass announcements. Advertising campaigns. Alarm clocks. Ear plugs. Blind folds. Break the fast. Proclamations.
The Caution: Unwarranted and disturbing noise. Showing off. Trumpeting about oneself. Not listening to people. Being annoying. Interrupting. Betraying confidences. Loud voice.
Mars symbolizes: Drive, determination or agenda, how you get to your goals. How you express and handle anger, ambition, assertion of self and ability to step forward. The male principle, sexuality, the ability to step up to the plate when one needs to. Fight or flight.
Jupiter is on Libra 21: A CROWD UPON A BEACH - with all that's going on astrologically, this is an interesting degree thrown into the mix. Jupiter seems to be asking us to get along with others and to realize that everyone needs their 'space'... kicking sand in someone's face can lead to turmoil, when, really, the aim is to enjoy life and not take things too seriously. A fine balance needs to be struck between what is your space and what is others.
This implies getting along with people with a live-and-let-live approach. People enjoy the outdoors and each other as they leave behind the stresses and strains of modern life in order to get more in touch with their bodies and their environment whilst having fun and relaxing. At times you may feel the need to get out into the open air or spend time with others or get in touch with your emotions. Joining with people of like mind in a natural setting, in a free and easy way, you can feel the release that can come from reminding yourself of the wonders of nature. Any feelings of what needs to be done should be put aside as you enjoy, relax and play.
Keywords: Simple gatherings and sharing in natural values. Watching people swim, run, skip and play. People getting loose and revealing their bodies. Remembering the basic elements of life. Marveling at nature. Getting back to the basics of life. Enjoyment. Relaxing social constraints. Picnic hampers, towels, sunblock. Wanting a tan. Queues and lines. Swimming in the collective unconsciousness. Leisure times.
The Caution: Avoiding close interaction with others. Sunburn. Sunstroke. Feeling like just one of the many. Dehydration. Loneliness. Difficulty finding room to yourself.
Jupiter symbolizes: The big picture, expansion, exploration, aspirations, religious and philosophical ideals, issues to do with traveling, foreign lands, people and traditions, culture, education, generosity, luck, abundance, support, optimism. Insight through knowledge and wisdom.
Saturn is on Sagittarius 22: A CHINESE LAUNDRY
This Symbol pictures situations where people may not be taken seriously, are expected to perform in a stereotypical way or are shut away because of their culture, or language, or because of racial prejudice. In a “Chinese Laundry” people are often working very hard with little free time and expected to do the ‘dirty work’ for others for very little in return. Be careful not to shut yourself away as there can be the danger of closing your mind to other options, opportunities and possibilities. This can also picture situations where people are working closely together, speaking the same language, although here, too, there can still be alienation and loneliness.
Keywords: Restrictive expectations. Relations with others because of social duty. Performing tasks. Mediocrity, or the fear of it. Washing machines and dryers. Money and other laundering. Laws and legislation based on social and racial inequality. Issues of belonging. Cleaning up for others. The search for purity. Institutions that inhibit individuality. Convents. Stereotyping people. Work and the rewards it should bring.
The Caution: Giving in to prejudice. Self-inflicted inferiority. Being used. Issues of self respect. Confining stereotypes. Money laundering. Not taken seriously. Feeling trapped.
Saturn symbolizes: Authority, rules, discipline and obligation The heavy stuff. What we fear, loss, karma, aging, the establishment, orthodoxy, tradition, status, the concept of time, walls, boundaries, limits, older people, restrictions, patience, conquering difficulties.
Uranus is stationary direct on Aries 21: A BOXER IS ENTERING THE RING - Uranus goes direct on December 29, smack on this new Moon.
This Symbol shows that there may be a temptation to take on issues, even to fight, but it needs to be with dignity and regulation. You may feel a need, or the urge, to step up to the plate and take something or someone on. There are rules to follow and often others will be end up being the judge of the final outcome. Make sure you possess the skills and training to defend what you believe. Remember that sometimes you need to back off if you're not winning a contest. Question: is someone on the attack or the defense?
Keywords: Physical or psychological self - assertion and determination. Attack or defense? Fighting for emotional, psychological or physical space. Being seen as a person of strength. Throwing punches. Fighting on any level. Being prepared to take a swing at someone or something. Stepping up to the plate. Throwing down the gauntlet. Going after the title. Big vs. small egos.
The Caution: Using power to dominate people or those who challenge you. Wanting to knock people out. Storming in and taking over. Looking for combat. Being combative.
Uranus symbolizes: The unexpected, things that are individual or 'different'. Charged, energetic dynamics, electricity, light, lightning bolts, sudden changes, those who live on the fringe of society. Sudden turns and twists of fate. Rebellion, surprises, liberation, freedom.
Neptune is on Pisces 10: AN AVIATOR IN THE CLOUDS - Neptune has been on this degree for months, having turned direct on this degree... have we been able to see what's really going on? Are we managing to stay above the noise, the distraction and irritations, OR, have we founds ourselves not being able to see the true picture?
This shows being able to stay on course, not allowing distractions or difficult or confusing issues to deter you from your destination. Perhaps you need to rise above and transcend the more nitty-gritty realities of earthly existence and its difficulties, just be aware that you may not be seeing the complete picture very clearly sometimes. If you take special notice, you may be able to see through illusions, seeing past the surface appearances to things that others miss. You may be able to rely on your spiritual, creative or intellectual skills to take you above and beyond those things that others have to deal with. However, you may also be evading the real truth.
Keywords: Elevated views. Always seeing the best in people and things. Peace and tranquility. The longing for transcendence. Not seeing limitations. Being in a refined "head space". Mastery. Flight, planes, pilots. Avoidance of time constraints. Pollyanna attitudes. Free flights of fantasy and escapism. The need for accurate navigation. Being in charge of the controls. Seeking higher truths. Maps. Compasses. Global satellite positioning. Clouds. Mist and fog. Hang-gliding. Don't "over-control" like a novice pilot. Stay loose enough from the flow that you can observe it, modify, and improve it. Donald Rumsfeld
The Caution: Escaping responsibilities. Isolating oneself. Drugs and alcohol abuse. Avoiding reality. Unearthed. Unrealistic expectations. Missing the point. Evasive.
Neptune symbolizes: Mystical, "out there," spirituality and con artists. Dreams, mysteries, mystics and religious issues. Intuition, clairvoyance, seeing into the invisible. Addictive, chaotic, charming, deceptive, illusory, co dependent, sensory awareness.
This Symbol shows getting rid of the restraints imposed by social conditioning and inhibitions; to strip down to bare essentials and not be ashamed of it. The “Young Person” is enjoying the feeling of not having clothes or costume to constrain or cover them. They are also letting the sun and the air contact their skin which is very healthy and revivifying. Although there may be some feelings of being ‘exposed’, really letting go and not worrying about being ‘seen’ can lead to feelings of freedom. This applies to a freeing up or exposing on a spiritual and emotional level as well, it’s not confined to physical realities.
Keywords: Confrontations with one's self. Reconnecting with nature. A desire to "reveal" oneself mentally, physically or emotionally. Issues with weight. The manipulation of the female form in the media. Exhibitionism. Learning to let go of extraneous things. Confronting puritanism. Being at one with the environment. Releasing inhibitions. Stripping. Streaking. Sun lotions.
The Caution: Suppression of natural attitudes. Bondage to inhibitions. Exhibitionist. Revealing too much. Showing off. Lack of concern for others’ feelings. Sexual exploitation.
Pluto symbolizes: Unconscious motivations, depth psychology, history. Sex, procreation at a deep level, intensity, profound emotions, taking hold of one's power. Being king or queen of one's underworld. Strength, survival mode instincts. Big money. Big power. The Plutocracy. Power vs power struggles.
Chiron is on Pisces 22: A PROPHET BRINGING DOWN THE NEW LAW FROM THE MOUNTAIN - time to put some new 'rules', some new affirmations into place?
This shows being able to live life by a set of “New Laws”, or, to make a new set of laws that better suits your life and place in the scheme of things. This pictures revelations of spirit and truth. It is important to manifest these truths and laws and to integrate them into your everyday life. Codifying the ways of humankind can help us understand the limitations of our earthly existence. Although our basic principles may stay the same, the specifics will vary in order to accommodate the changing perceptions. You may find new laws to live by, or, you could be the one to bring these ‘rules’ to others.
Keywords: Revelations and channeling of new information. Truths being revealed. Thoughts, ideas, guidelines. The Ten Commandments. Laying down the law. New resolutions. New pathways of living. Social justice messages. The Koran. The Torah. The Bible. Finding records. People of the book. The Ark of the Covenant. Newly codified laws. Amendments. The Testaments. Avatars and guides. Moses. Mt. Sinai. Legislation. Laws enacted. Legislation.
The Caution: Being told what to do. Believing one has all the answers OR believing someone else. Rigid application of dogmatic laws. Bureaucracy. Laws set in stone.
Chiron symbolizes: Our wounds, Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. The wounds are The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, it is where we have to focus on healing, it can show things that are out of shape or misplaced or in need of repair.
The Moon's North Node is on Virgo 5: A PERSON BECOMING AWARE OF NATURE SPIRITS AND NORMALLY UNSEEN SPIRITUAL ENERGIES - opening up to new impressions...
This Symbol implies strong feelings of another level of awareness around you. Your rational
mind is, at times, being overshadowed by intuitive thoughts and feelings. Your imagination or spirituality is showing a clearer path to understanding and knowledge. Equipped to see the invisible, you penetrate into the mystical levels of life. There may be messages to bring back into your waking consciousness. This can show a creative, attuned mind that can perceive subtle phenomena, shifts and changes in the environment. Tap into your clairvoyance, but don’t be thrown off track by it
Keywords: Creative fantasies. Attuned minds perceiving subtle phenomena. Fairy tales. Seeing things or imagining them. Fantasizing. Seeing entities. Mental institutions. Halloween. Fairies, nature spirits. Seeing the normally unseen.
The Caution: Confusion or a lack of true perspective. Time wasted. Being a space cadet. Losing the plot. Mental institutions. Not being taken seriously. Schizophrenia.
The Moon's North Node symbolizes: This is known as quite a 'karmic point' (although all planets and points in a chart can be'karmic'). One's destiny in this life. The things you are meant to integrate, move towards, become. Destined relationships and relationship issues can show up here.
The Moon's South Node is on Pisces 5: A CHURCH BAZAAR - this Symbol is about charity and giving and helping others. It can also signify issues to do with pensions and social security, etc = the need to feel safe and sheltered by society.
This shows being able to work with others for the needs of the community. In a “Church Bazaar”, people come together, bringing home-made jams, bits and pieces, bric-a-brac, handcrafts and things that they’ve donated. A church bazaar is a great place to meet others, find a bargain and help the community build a bigger and better sense of cohesion. Raffles and charity drives can have small donations building into worthwhile amounts to help those who in need. You may donate some of your time, energy or possessions for benevolent ends. This always brings some type of tangible reward. Old fashioned values can be brought to the community through commerce and the warmth of sharing.
Keywords: Overcoming loneliness and alienation. Selling things. The issue of real worth. A lot of effort for small rewards. Small scale commercial bartering and interchange. The collection plate. Generosity and charitable community attitudes. Jars of jam and things handmade. Bric-a-brac. Bargains. Practical spirituality. Volunteers. People sharing the load. Charity work. Money raising. Garage or yard sales. Second hand clothes.
The Caution: Spiritual or social exclusivity. Giving things smaller worth than they deserve. Fussing around about small details. People being stingy. Never enough money.
The Moon's South Node symbolizes: Past karmic patterns to be overcome, can be habits that are good, but can describe things, relationships, issues that you need to let go of, or, hold you back from manifesting your true destiny. Relationships that feel karmic and difficult, memories from the past.
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For 17 years, Lynda has published her regular Sabian Symbols blog and newsletter for readers around the world. The newsletter and blog, together with the articles, videos, audios and stories published on her website are part of her quest to preserve the legacy of the Symbols. Her efforts are made possible only by donations and support from a community who value this amazing work.
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Special on Astrology Readings
Would you like a reading? If you want to plan for the year ahead, tune into the energies of this full moon or gain clarity to navigate them in your own life, consider an astrological reading with Lynda.
Currently there is a special on readings available until 30 December. You can take advantage of a 20% discount on astrology and current conditions readings to save up to $44. Please use the coupon code 2017 to apply your discount during checkout.
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