'Swimming over the rocks was dangerous but it was exciting.'
'How can a guy climb trees, say me Tarzan, you Jane, and make a million?'
Throughout my career I swam for form. Speed came as a result of it.'
Johnny Weissmuller - the actor who played Tarzan
September's solar eclipse is set to be a very interesting one, particularly in the light of the fact that it occurs on September 11, a date that is inextricably inked into our subconscious as a moment that many facets of our world changed forever.
Casting the chart of the September 11 solar eclipse for New York, we find that the ascendant degree is almost the same = the angles of the chart of the eclipse line up with the angles of the chart of 9/11, something that certainly is worth mentioning.
The attack on the World Trade Center in New York on that fateful day in 2001 unleashed something in us that is rather hard to define... certainly the world changed for us from that moment forward... and everybody has their own individual take on just how their world changed from that day.
The Sabian Symbol for the Sun in the chart of 9/11 and in this solar eclipse is Virgo 19: A Swimming Race. For some, life feels more and more like a race, perhaps a 'rat race''; that we're all thrown into the same lane and expected to swim like crazy for the finish line - whatever the 'finish line' happens to be.
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