No I ain't blue, baby
but I'm just a little bit lonesome for some love again
Everything is fine
I just don't want to be all by myself
Bonnie Raitt - I Ain't Blue lyrics
This full moon really struck me as a particularly archetypal relationship full moon. It brings up the issues of:
- aloneness versus togetherness,
- being with others versus being alone,
- the issue of being alone and yet not being lonely,
- the pairing between the Moon and the Sun, those energies within us and around us that signify the feminine (the Moon) and the masculine (the Sun)
- having friends who support and love us
And having people in our lives who we connect with on a deep level.
These issues are often brought up around the time of the full moon as the Sun and the Moon stand at their furtherest points opposite each other. In other words, the time of the full moon represents the time that the male and female energies (animus and anima) are at their most distant, and, yet, this is the time when they can most clearly see each other.
The full moon is, therefore, a time of projection - we often project onto others, onto things, onto events, those things that we think we see outside of ourselves, we really these energies are inside of us.
Let there be spaces in your
Kahlil Gibran
The Sabian Symbol for this full moon is Aries 4: Two Lovers Are Strolling Through a Secluded Walk. The trick with this Symbol is that, although it often will show people being together, enjoying each other, facing and walking in the same direction, presumably holding hands and, perhaps, planning for their future, I do often see this degree around or in the charts of people when they're going through periods of aloneness, solitude and sometimes loneliness that stretches for years and years.
Aries 4 from my book 360 Degrees of Wisdom: Charting Your Destiny With the Sabian Oracle (published by Penguin NY - and Sony Japan in Japanese):
Commentary: ‘Two Lovers’ are shown ‘Strolling Through a Secluded Walk’. This image shows that there’s sometimes a need to escape the realities of the world and touch the deeper feelings of one’s heart. The ‘Secluded Walk’ that the ‘Lovers’ are taking pictures the need for private time, solitude or quiet romance. An actual ‘Secluded Walk’ may not be necessary – what is important is the ability to exclude outside energies that interfere with the sharing of intimate time.
Oracle: This Symbol shows that some time should be taken away from the hustle and bustle of the everyday world, even if only for a short while. Sometimes a detour must be taken and the materialistic world put aside in order to share special moments with someone close to you. You may desire, or even need to exclude others or outside energies from your life at the moment. These things may be interfering with what needs to be said or done in order to solve relationship difficulties and to move forward in life. If you are by yourself in this situation, the solution may lie in taking time off and just being alone and rediscovering yourself. This can open the door to sharing more intimate dimensions of yourself with another person when you feel you’re ready for it. This is especially true if your life has been
hectic or confused recently. Sending out an invitation to someone special to share moments of your life may bring more rewards than are immediately apparent. Can you schedule things so that you can afford some time out?
Keywords: Walking love’s path. Secret love affairs. Seeking shelter from others’ eyes. Wanting or needing to be undisturbed. The young at heart. Being by one’s self and wondering where the ‘’other’’ is. Romance. Quiet moments. Seclusion and peace. Intimacy and sharing. Desired destinations. Walking and strolling together. “Keep Out” signs. Relationships that are solid and satisfying. Issues of seclusion, inclusion or exculsion. Privacy. Being self-sufficient.
The Caution: Being ‘selfish’ by keeping one’s partner or friend to oneself. Jealousy when others are around. Feeling ‘left out’ and uninvited. Narrow-minded responses to people or things. Loneliness and/or the desire to be left alone. Denial of self and needs. Not wanting contact. Rejecting those who don’t measure up. Seeing one’s partner as a possession.
This is an interesting Aries Symbol; alone in your togetherness, individuals travelling a path together or alone, issues to do with intimacy, etc.
As always, I like to look at the Sabian Symbol for the Sun. Opposite the Moon in Aries is the Sun in Libra. Libra, of course, is the sign of relationships, committed bonds between people, being able to commit to relationships, marriage and togetherness and, of course, balance. Finding the balance is the interesting trick here, especially with the Moon in Aries on the Two Lovers degree.
The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is Libra 4: A Group of Young People Sit in Spiritual Communion Around a Campfire.
Commentary: A ‘Group of Young People Sit in Spiritual Communion Around a Campfire’ symbolizes the need for connecting with others who have similar feelings and shared beliefs. The ‘Group of Young People’ are connected not only through their sense of generation; they ‘Sit in Spiritual Communion’ and are linked through their interests, beliefs and stories. Something they believe in has drawn them together and this can bring a sense of ‘Spiritual Communion’ to each of them. They can each have a common focus that opens them up to creative and receptive responses.
Oracle: In the situation facing you, there is bound to be a central issue—the Campfire’—that can bring many people, possibly everyone, together. There may be a feeling of being “out there”, in the “wilderness”, but remember that you are not alone. Whether physically, spiritually, mentally or emotionally, others are with you in some sense. Look to the “center”, the ‘Campfire’ that draws you together, to see who or what this is. It can be a belief, a religion, or a reunion of some kind. It can indeed be something as obvious as a ‘Fire’, or it can be something technological, such as the Internet, anything that brings people together in “a circle”, with a central focus. Loneliness and isolation can be overcome with a little concentrated attention, through joining with others in some kind of ‘Communion’. Lighting a fire, even lighting a candle, can bring joy, pleasure and a sense of ‘Spiritual Communion’. Rekindling energy can lead to a deep sense of bonding and understanding. However, there can be a concern, or fear, that if one’s friends and fellows were to leave the “campsite” (whatever it is that brought you together), one could feel lost, alone and abandoned to life and the elements. The ‘Fire’ can almost become addictive, and lure you away from other things in your life. This can lead to dependency and sometimes codependency on others. Be sure to recognize your individuality in the situation, and claim your power as an independent, but integral, part of the group.
Keywords: Material concerns left behind. Pioneering with like-minded others. Sweat lodges. Walks in the woods. Scouts and Girl Guides. Men’s groups, women’s groups. ESP. Kindred spirits. Soul mates. Unity. Fellowship. Campfires. Camping. Friends and companions. Spiritual circles.
The Caution: Being dependent on others. Feeling left out. Having to fend for one’s self. Being lost in the wilderness. Obsession with objectives.
So, what are the spaces in your togetherness? Do you allow time for just yourself? Do you spend time with people who share the same interests? Do you have a satisfying social life?
Above all, I feel that this full moon has people not only wanting that soul satisfying relationship with someone special, I think many people are also longing for a good social life; to have people around them that nourish and inspire and enthuse them.
If you're interested to find out how the current planetary energies are affecting you, be sure to visit my readings with Lynda page on
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