Do not handicap your children by making their lives easy.
Lazarus Long
In this era of affluence and of permissiveness, we have, in all but cultural areas, bred a nation of overprivileged youngsters, saturated with vitamins, television and plastic toys. Judith Crist
It is amazing how quickly the kids learn to drive a car, yet are unable to understand the lawnmower, snow blower, or vacuum cleaner. Ben Bergor
Well, you know when you're rocking in a rocking chair, and you go so far that you almost fall over backwards, but at the last instant you catch yourself? That's how I feel all the time. Stephen Wright
Nothing is so hard as for those who abound in riches to conceive how others can be in want. Jonathan Swift
No use flogging a dead horse. Saying
Although I'm late sending out this newsletter for the new Moon in Sagittarius, please know that the influence of the new Moon on the coming month is still very strong and is yet to completely unfold. We can say that the influence lasts for a month, right up until the next new Moon, on January 15. It is also true to say that events that are sparked off this month get a life of their own; they can last for months and years into the future. It depends on what seeds are being planted or what harvest you're reaping now.
The Sabian Symbol for this new Moon, occurring on December 16, is Sagittarius 25: A Chubby Little Rich Boy Rides Upon a Hobbyhorse. Can you see what this might mean in the attached graphic? The boy rides his horse, knowing that other gifts are coming, not a care in the world, off and running in his own fantasy world, whipping his horse onward and upward, ready to take on the world, safe and secure, well fed and his every need catered for.
"Funny", you're saying, "that doesn't sound like me"... Perhaps you're not so sure of your safety and security, or your place in the scheme of things, or that you're going to be looked after by others, or that you can pursue your own 'hobbyhorse'; your dreams, your aspirations, your visions of how life could, or will, be.
Look again at the boy in the graphic. He has everything, which we all do really. Unless we're living under a piece of cardboard under a bridge somewhere, we have many of the things we need. We only have to check our situation to realise how lucky we are. We have so much to explore in our leisure in amongst our hectic and very meaningful lives. Remembering how lucky we are is so valuable. Still, the boy could be somewhat frustrated in his efforts to get things going. How long will he be happy with that movement, as satisfying as it is, rocking backwards and forwards, possibly staring into space, without charging forward and getting in amongst the action. It seems he's dreaming of the action rather than participating, except in his own fantasy world. For sure he's growing and learning - one day he will take on all of life's challenges and will participate in the excitement of being alive with all it's wonderful progress and precarious pitfalls.
To me, this Symbol is a mix of pleasure and frustration. It feels certain that we're meant to perfect something, to enjoy the practice and play and prepare ourselves for the unfolding that is coming.
The Karmic Condition (the degree before) this new Moon is a lovely one - Sagittarius 24: A Bluebird, a Sign of Good Luck and Happiness, is Standing at The Door of The House. This speaks of the promise (or promises) of "Happiness", reminders of joy, real estate, house boundaries, cottages and picket fences, waiting for invtitations to enter, omens of good luck, blessings, front doors and back doors. This is the conventional picket fence with the happy people living inside with promises of luck and happiness. It can be domestic bliss, the beauty or the joy to be found in others but it can be arguments and not noticing the good things in life.
The Bluebird at the Gate of the Cottage degree is a great Karmic Condition for the Chubby Boy on His Hobbyhorse. Hopefully, his home is safe, secure and loving. Of course not all homes are. This is a matter of one's own personal perspective.
When I look at the graphic above of the boy on his hobbyhorse, I can't help but think that he's incredibly keen to get going, eager as mustard to take on the world, to put himself out there, to race headfirst into whatever he can. Of course, that horse ain't moving; it's not going anywhere. Mar's current stationary retrograde motion can feel like that. "Here I am, I'm ready for it, I'm going for it, but it's not moving". Add to that the fact that the Mars degree is Leo 20: American Indians Perform a Ritual to the Sun - I imagine them riding their horses and get quite a different image.
The Quest degree (the degree following) the new Moon is Sagittarius 26: A Fl ag Bearer in a Battle. This smacks of having the courage of one's convictions, being up front, exposing yourself, facing the possibility of being shot down, carrying the standard or the flag, David and Goliath, being the messenger, advocates, self sacrifice, fighting for political ideas.
There's shades of Copenhagen in all this; the 'Hobbyhorse' of the lobbyists and the vested interests. To some, Copenhagen will have felt like flogging the proverbial 'dead horse'. The Flag Bearer may have lost his horse, he is most likely on foot now, older and wiser, and, possibly a bit war weary.
A theme going on at the moment seems to be the theme of people moving house, changing jobs or leaving relationships. This is somewhat reflected through the position of Venus on Sagittarius 19: Pelicans Disturbed By The Garbage of Men Move Their Young To a New Habitat. This degree was one of the prime degrees while those in charge were nutting out their strategies (or lack of) in Copenhagen. The garbage of men alright. And vested interests, the vested interests of so many 'Chubby Boys in Their Hobbyhorses'.
With all this archetypal societal bliss we're either having, meant to have or are missing, there's a sextile (a useful free flowing positive energy) from Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius - the new Moon) at Aquarius 24: A Man Turning His Back On His Passions Teaches Deep Wisdom From His Experience. It seems that many are finding they are turning away from what they don't want and turning towards what they do. Many lessons are to be learnt here, wise ones about finding meaning in life.
Uranus is squaring this new Moon from Pisces 23: A Materializing Medium Giving a Seance. This is a very spiritually 'attuned' degree, one of spiritual channeling, a need to free "stuck" or earthbound entities, giving voice to spirit, tarot readings, clairvoyance and clairsentience. It speaks of things seen ahead of their time, bringing messages from the other side, etc.
I guess the questions for this next month include; where do you want to be? what do you want to be doing? who's interests are you serving? and, are you having fun?
My website is still down but hopefully that will be fixed in the next week or so. Please know that your support, comments, emails, donations and offerings of help are so appreciated. I try, but I can't answer every email I get but please do know that I read them! Please drop by and leave a message on the feedback form and consider leaving a donation!
Happy Holidays! May Loads of good things come to you and yours!!
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