A little neglect may breed mischief... for want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the rider was lost. Benjamin Franklin
It is very vulgar to talk like a dentist when one isn't a dentist. It produces a false impression. Oscar Wilde
The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue. Oscar Levant
The electric chair was invented by a dentist. Trivia.net
It is after you have lost your teeth that you can afford to buy steaks. Pierre Auguste Renoir
This won't hurt at all. Modern Saying
April's Scorpio full Moon, falling on Wednesday April 28, is on Scorpio 9, the Sabian Symbol for which is A Dentist Is Hard At Work. The "Dentist's" work involves finding out what's wrong in a situation and fixing it up so that things can work smoothly and efficiently once again. He concentrates on fixing damage that has probably occurred over a long period of time. The "patients" that the "Dentist Works" on may be nervous and restless and looking forward to the whole thing being finished. Although he has a very important or valuable job to do, many in society don't fully appreciate his "Work." Our "chewing ability" is important as our teeth make it possible to break down nourishment to its smaller elements or to a more digestible consistency so that we can integrate these into our wellbeing.
All the factors of our bodies, teeth, mind and spirit, go into making up our wellbeing and these things regularly need checks, balances and maintenance done on a regular basis to ensure smooth functioning. We need to make sure we supply our bodies and minds with good nourishment and hygiene, not just indulge in band-aid treatments and cover ups. "Dentists", doctors and other physicians are needed in society in order to fix up the problems that occur in our lives. Society needs to invent a way of repairing the somehow inevitable but probably largely unnecessary damage. People in the healing, caring or fixing professions may be just what's needed in order to diagnose what's going wrong, what's not functioning efficiently, or to sort out what's going on that leads to a feeling of 'disease' or unease in your life. These can be therapists and treatments of all kinds, it may be social comment to invoke a cure, attention to detail, repairing damage, plugging up situations, etc. It can show someone being the responsible one who always has to fix everything.
Just as the sound of the dentist's drill can set our teeth on edge, some feel it is their duty to continually point out where they think things need to be "fixed" and this can be painful in itself to endure. These people sometimes need to know when to back off; we should be able to assess and fix up our own mistakes. You may find that you sometimes fall into that trap yourself; feeling like you're the one responsible for 'fixing everything and everyone'.
The Cautions include: Getting further into a hole by using more and more social solutions, causing pollution and damage when one should be honoring and fixing things, the fear of pain, the fear of letting go, the fear of being healed and being powerful and whole, always being "on duty", nagging away at things.
Questions include; what needs to be fixed in your life? where and how are bad nourishment/bad habits/bad thinking/negative reinforcements/ingesting rubbish working against you? Just like the rot that can take off in your teeth, 'bad memes' can take hold in your brain and these can act like customary tunnels of difficult energy that are continually fed by damaging thoughts or habits.
Connecting with friends and family can be a way of fixing some of the damage that may have been done recently or in the far-distant past. The Sun and Mercury are on the same degree at Taurus 9: A Christmas Tree Is Decorated And Shines In The Darkness. This speaks of a rebirth of the spirit and can show a rebirth of feeling for one's loved ones, faith and the hope of happiness and goodwill of people to one another, celebrations bringing people that once were parted back together, decorations, things done with loving intent, the promise of good things, gifts, stars and angels. If there are gifts that you want to give, are you worried about how they will be received?
It's interesting to note that although we're in April (with the full Moon's effects lasting for at least the next month), the Sabian Symbol of Venus (the ruler of the Sun and Mercury) is Gemini 4: Holly And Mistletoe Bring Christmas Spirit To A Home. The themes mentioned above regarding the Christmas Tree that's Decorated and Shines in the Darkness also apply here. This can speak of rejoining with loved ones and those who have a special place in our hearts. It is a wonderfully warm and inviting image. The ancient Druids of Britain regarded "Mistletoe" as sacred and believed it had both magical powers and medicinal properties. They referred to it as the "heal all," although now we know the berries can be poisonous. Kissing beneath the mistletoe is a tradition that has developed over the years as we have built barriers to more spontaneous expressions of affection. It is almost as though the mistletoe and the spirit of Christmas have become an excuse for us to be able to show our feelings; we have developed these types of rituals to compensate for what has truly been lost. Mistletoe was so sacred to the Druids that if two enemies met beneath a tree on which it was growing, they would lay down their weapons, exchange greetings and observe a 24 hour truce.
Venus changes degrees exactly at the time of the full Moon to Gemini 5: A Radical Magazine Or Publication, Asking For Action, Displays A Sensational Front Page. This speaks of speaking one's mind, messages and news that awakes or shocks, the need for reform, challenging outlooks, issues of propaganda, headlines that promise more than they deliver, revolutions, social or emotional causes, printing presses, publishing, publicity, gaining attention, speaking one's truth without fear of consequences.
Mars is on Leo 12: An Evening Lawn Party Of Adults. This can show people mixing in a social setting, formal events vs. impromptu gatherings, gossip, leisure time, political correctness, With Mars here, it's likely that many will find that some parties or gatherings are too superficial for the desires of the heart. Perhaps there's only so many people one can meet that are not really connected to you. Of course, Mars on this degree could go either way - people could have a wonderful time socializing with like minded people or find it difficult to keep up the small talk with people you don't have an inner tie to.
Jupiter is on the Sabian Symbol that talks about people having to get along together. The Sabian Symbol is Pisces 24: The Tiny Island Seems Lost In The Broad Ocean, But Its Happy Inhabitants Have Created A World All Their Own (otherwise known as An Inhabited Island). With Jupiter here, the message seems to be learning to get along, cohabitation and coexistence, apartments, living together, people moving in, having to compromise one's space and peace.
Saturn and Uranus continue their dance opposite each other -are you going to strike out for the new or stick with the status quo? Are you wanting to usher in a new reality in your life or are you willing to put in the work in order to improve things and make the most of what you already have in your life? Saturn is on Virgo 29: A Man Is Gaining Secret Knowledge From An Ancient Scroll He Is Reading. This speaks of learning from ancient mysteries, looking for answers, study and its rewards, reading between the lines, finding clues from the past and applying them to the present. It's about manuscripts, scrolls, ancient writings, Akashic Records, classified documents, secret papers, scribes, alchemy, the Bible, the Torah and the Koran. It can show a sense of being privileged to look into something special.
Meanwhile, Uranus is on Pisces 29: Light Breaking Into Many Colors As It Passes Through A Prism. This speaks of analysis, often spectrum analysis, color and crystal healing, facets of a situation revealing endless opportunities, optics, sight, seeing, copying and sharing ideas or things, disseminating information, auras and aura photography, triangles, polarization of light, reflection, laboratory tests, diffracted personalities. Above all, this degree can speak of analyzing things, often to the point of going into the finest detail. Analyzing things can be fine but if one loses the inherent joy while staring down the barrel of something with too much intent, one can miss the moment of what's really going on.
Following the theme of healing in the Dentist at Work, we have the Moon's north node on Capricorn 15: In A Hospital, The Children's Ward Is Filled With Toys. This speaks of the need to look after one's health, whether it's your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health. It shows the need to bring simple gifts (the 'Toys'), to the sick or disadvantaged, it can bring the need for nurturing people of younger years or those who've had less growth, waiting for and needing individual attention, drugs, crutches, cots, doctors, nurses, toys, magazines, waiting rooms, gadgets (especially healing ones), puzzles and games.
The Moon's south node also shows the possible need for taking time out for healing or recuperating. The Symbol is Cancer 15: A Group of People Who Have Overeaten And Enjoyed It. This degree brings up issues of consumerism, communal cohesion through indulging in the senses, satisfied hunger, commercialism and the longing to own things, food and nourishment (and sometimes way too much of it), enjoying the good life, having plenty, abundance, temporary fulfillment.
It seems that quiet times of healing, connecting and reconnecting with loved ones, employing restraint and celebrating community are the important themes now. Enjoy the ride and soak up the healing you can both get and give.
For a bit of fun, check out Steve Martin as The Dentist in The Little Shop of Horrors. If the link doesn't work in your area, try searching www.youtube.com - it's hysterical.
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