Plain women know more about men than beautiful women do. Katharine Hepburn
Instinct is untaught ability. Alexander Bain
Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons. Woody Allen
There is nothing so agonizing to the fine skin of vanity as the application of a rough truth. Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
In our society those who are in reality superior in intelligence can be accepted by their fellows only if they pretend they are not. Marya Mannes
The common practice of keeping up appearances with society is a mere selfish struggle of the vain with the vain. John Ruskin
For me, elegance is not to pass unnoticed but to get to the very soul of what one is. Christian Lacroix
So, we are 'emerging' more and more. Out of the vast oceans of possibility, we are being shown a new possibility, a new reality, a new way of being, and, if we pay attention, we can see more of our world reflected out from ourselves as a reflection of what we want, rather than what our senses tell us it actually is. In other words, it is time for some serious going within, to arrive at a place where we control our 'inner conversations' so that our outer reality is more of a reflection of our dreams and ideals.
This is especially true as Mercury and Mars are conjunct, which can have us fuming, wanting to unleash about something that's been bothering us, or, we could have some brilliantly amazing realizations that clear up some issues from the past. Recent events are likely to be at the heart of matters now, but, if we're experiencing bigger than usual responses, anger, outrage, etc, it is probably as a result of stored-up energies and unacknowledged problems that may now need to be released. It can be rather like a pressure-cooker with the energies around at the moment. Still, we can clear the air, especially as the Symbols imply things being brought out into the open (or, the need for it). With Mars on Virgo 1: IN A PORTRAIT, THE BEST OF A MAN'S TRAITS AND CHARACTER ARE IDEALIZED, we may be finding it necessary to get past the outer appearances of someone (or our self), in order to get to the true issues lying below exterior appearances.
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The full Moon is on Pisces 14: A LADY WRAPPED IN FOX FUR - the following interpretation is from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom
Commentary: ‘A Woman’ is ‘Wrapped in Fox Fur’. She presents a beautiful image and one has the sense that she radiates intelligence, grace and wealth. The ‘Fox Fur’ carries the feeling of protection being given through the use of wit, tact, diplomacy, glamour and intellect. There is an aura of “street smarts” about the ‘Woman Wrapped in Fox Fur, like she could get out of (or into) any situation that she chooses.
Oracle: Someone is trying to present an image that will enhance their position. Whether this is you or another, using intelligence and wit will probably see one through. If, however, the guise, or disguise, were to be stripped away, would the same qualities be expressed? You may find that you have to display your capabilities because you suffer negative prejudice, chauvinism, or are underestimated. It may be that you are not being listened to. Difficulties can arise when others misunderstand what it is that you are projecting and over or under-estimate your message. In any case, there’s a need to be quick witted and perceptive. Also, there may be occasion to have to change strategies quickly. This can show proof of your intelligence and your ability to “think on your feet”. The display of elegance has to be come not only from your appearance and your demeanor but also through the things you say. It is important to be able to deliver and follow through on the image you portray. Any artificial attempts to try to fool others about how smart you are may lead to unwarranted reactions. However, do be wary of focusing solely on others’ perceptions of you. This Symbol can also represent the desire to show off one’s wealth, as though possessions and material gains are an example of class and intelligence. You may lose track of what you truly feel about yourself.
Keywords: Outer expressions of real inner worth. Animal magnetism and attraction. Intelligence and its display. Cloaks of feminine wit and sexuality. Beguiling minds. Animal totems and furs. Perceived beauty. The sense of having class and money. Beauty, fashion and talent. Being forward and upfront. Sense of personal style. Grace and composure. Elegance. Knowing what to say and when. Dressing up. Money spent on beauty. Tempting others with sexual signals. Perfumes. Pheromones. Taxidermy.
The Caution: False fronts and expressions of wealth. Selling out for momentary, or monetary, gain. Wrapped in intellectual superficiality. The fatal allure of beauty. Scoring points solely through charisma. Being so caught up in fashion and glamor that one loses a true sense of self. Being overdressed.
The Karmic Degree for the Moon is Pisces 13: A SWORD, USED IN MANY BATTLES, IS NOW IN A MUSEUM
This shows knowing when to stop battling in life, when to lay down one's "Sword" and take up a higher position that reflects a more intelligent or spiritual way of being in the world. Sometimes, when reminded of the battles of the past, we are influenced towards actions that ensure peace. We are uplifted by the symbolic memory of past deeds of valor, although stings of defeat may be part of the story. You may be faced with the choice of fighting or reasoning which is confused by your lack of training or experience in the ways of "Battle". Don't go down with the ship. It helps to lay down one's 'sword' - not in order to surrender, but to stop the 'warring'
Keywords: Willpower. Martial arts. Putting aside thoughts of vengeance and revenge. Hanging up or laying down one's 'Sword'. Trophies of conquest that remind us of the past. History. Aging and maturing. Retirement. Remnants of battles. Souvenirs of the past. "Words as swords". The Spear of Destiny. The Sword Excalibur. Disarming weapons. The search for truth and justice. Suits of armor. Peace at last. Sexual impotence.
The Caution: The Caution: A lack of sensitivity. A pretense of one’s abilities. Giving up and “falling on one’s sword” from defeat. Grudges. Wanting to go into ‘Battle’ at the slightest excuse. Selfish agendas. Weapons of mass destruction or weapons of mass distraction? Pre-emptive strikes. Defensive behavior. Domestic violence.
The Quest Degree for the Moon is Pisces 15: AN OFFICER DRILLING HIS MEN IN A SIMULATED ATTACK
This shows being well rehearsed, prepared and ready for anything that life throws at you. When you're well rehearsed, you are able to spring to attention when situations warrant it. You may feel that you need to rehearse or prepare for difficult situations. There is wisdom in practicing to reduce the chance of error or failure. However, are you going over and over possible positive or negative outcomes thereby losing the joy that can be found in relaxing and letting down your guard? Sometimes the things we think are going to happen don't happen at all. Choosing where, when and how to be ready and willing to go for objectives is half the battle.
Keywords: Taking orders to better respond to situations. The higher self training the lower self. Exercises. Marching and going through the motions. The need for defense. Seeing ahead. Planning strategies. Fire drills. Smoke alarms. Being prepared. Issuing orders and expecting them to be followed through. Discipline. Martial arts of all kinds. Going over and over possible outcomes. Safeguards put in place. Gas masks and bomb shelters.
The Caution: The Caution: Rigid routine for no real or valuable purpose. Feeling that one has always to be on the defensive. Being under attack, whether real or imagined. Overreacting to things. Feelings of unworthiness in the face of battle or confrontation. Victim consciousness. Fearful responses. Getting others to respond through spreading fear. Scare tactics.
The Moon symbolizes: Emotions, moods, mother, family, clan, domestic issues, relationship to home and country. Feelings, sentiments, nourishment, emotional nurturing, monkey chatter mind, lunar and menstrual cycles, clarity of emotions or lunacy. Female energy - yours and others.
This shows deep and abiding connections that come from families and their ancestors and individual family trees. There is a need to feel somehow linked with ancestry, a place or belonging. However, this can speak about you belonging to the larger human family - we are all related. Being able to call upon the deeper inherent knowledge within yourself and what's been learnt from past experience, possibly from one's ancestral roots, will help you find great strength. This implies a strong family heritage, but it may come from having a deep connection with people or things that you are not actually related to, but are in your "Family" nonetheless.
Keywords: Strength in tradition. Belonging to a lineage. The story of where one comes from. Issues of pride of heritage. The importance of parents and family. Branches in databases. Having strong and secure roots. Origins and their relevance to today's life. Ancestors. Calligraphy. Fine pens. Filling in the gaps. Adoptions. Step families. Pedigrees. Kin. Genealogy. Inheritance. Family Bibles.
The Caution: Disassociation or disconnection from family history. Exclusivity or snobbery. Feeling like an alien. Feeling, or being, a stranger in a strange world. Orphans. Not knowing where one came from. Being stuck with people you don’t know. Examining roots. Missing identities. Skeletons in the closet.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the necessity, to be able to calm situations, to solve a crisis, to have a steady hand that shows others that someone is in charge. If this is not operating on a positive level in your life you may want to assess where you need to be doing it. Sometimes our thoughts get out of control, even "Hysterical", however this is not much use as emotions and events just get whipped up, leading to useless energy flying around. It is through control and the power of your personality that you can resolve situations and bring back a state of equilibrium to all involved.
Keywords: The power to sway the mob. Having the charisma and talent to turn situations around. Elements of personality that get out of control and take over. Pulling the rope tight. Mind control. Political savvy. Knowing what to say and when to say it. Keeping your mouth shut and ears open. Rhetoric. Putting out spot fires. Being motivated. Issues of success.
The Caution: Conscious emotional manipulation and bullying. Misusing energy. Swaying others to personal advantage. Being aggressive, demanding and overbearing. Hypnotic persuasion. Propaganda. Misinformation. Using “political speak” to control. Emotional repression
The Sun symbolizes: One’s core center, spirit, heart, issues to do with father, men, self, ego, your male side. How you radiate your sense of being. What others see, how you are recognized or remembered, sense of identity and connection with male energy - yours and others.
This Symbol shows the desire to find a partner or a place in the world where you feel you belong and can contribute; finding a place to 'come ashore' in life, establish a career and a life that feels worthwhile. You will be able to make sense of your intuitive or creative thoughts as you grow and find both your feet and your voice. In finally being able to verbalize things into rational expression, you will be creating from your intuitive wisdom. However, there needs to be a caution against expecting others to verify your existence through your relationship with them. Being self reliant whilst inviting others into your life is the balance here.
Keywords: Coming into conscious form. New ways of being. Transformation. New forms emerging out of the past. Needing, and probably expecting, recognition. Feeling different from the crowd. Learning to stand on your own two feet. Problems with feet and legs. Longing to make an impression.
The Caution: Focusing on social or rational aspects before being ready. Naivety. Being thrown in the deep end. Relying on relationships too much. Looking to the other for validation of one’s existence. Co-dependent behavior.
This Symbol shows a message that is, or needs to be, spread either by writing it down or speaking it. There can, at times, be a desire to reveal one's inner feelings; however the opposite can also be true; you may feel very confronted by the thought of wearing your heart on your sleeve. However you transmit this 'Vital and Confidential Information', it needs to be done from the heart and with integrity. When this is done the right people can see and benefit from it. Be aware of sharing information that isn't yours to share or that breaks confidentiality with someone who trusts you.
Keywords: Wearing your heart on your sleeve. Shared thoughts and feelings. Declaring what needs to be said. "Dear John" letters. Laying one's self on the line through writing things down. Diaries. Letters. Penmanship. Messages of intent. Things said out loud. Confidences.
The Caution: Playing games with information. Pretending to conceal for the purposes of deceit. Blurting things out. Not giving any indication of what’s thought. Being upset about having things out in the open. Passing on the secrets of others. Revealing things that shouldn’t be revealed.
Mercury symbolizes: Mind, thought, communication, memory, expression, intelligence. News, exchanges, chatting, conversations, short journeys, connections with others, telephones, emails, siblings, neighbors, the reasoning mind. Day-to-day activities. Cars, keys, small animals.
This Symbol implies that there will be deep realizations that may transform your life. Listening to one's inner voice and heeding its messages can lead you on to the next level of life. Spirit is descending, wishing to make it's self known - spiritual messages are wanting to come through into conscious expression. The trick is being able to hear what's being whispered and translating it into useful information as one can be mislead by 'voices in their head' which can be confusing rather than enlightening. The thing is to discern what is useful and what is not.
Keywords: New realizations and impulses. Seeking to have one's voice heard. Messages from the other side. Reincarnation. Channeling information. Spirit descending, wishing to make itself known. Whispering. Passing on news and messages. Seeking embodiment. Transpersonal urges. Cherubs and spirits. Ears and hearing. The urge to accomplish something. Compassion. Manifesting intention.
The Caution: Confusing inner voices. Signs of instability or madness. Fearing if you're not heard, you will miss out. The need to be noticed. Ranting and raving. Losing the plot.
Venus symbolizes: Relatedness, cooperation, what attracts you. The experience of sweetness, beauty or delight. Social interactions, love, friends, how you reach out to people. Feminine persona, relationship with mother and females. Money, possessions, sense of values.
This Symbol shows projecting a desired image of yourself or others. Paintings, drawings, caricatures, profiles, portraits - all these are important hallmarks of people. However, the real thing is character. You may need to be a good judge of character and not just "read a book by its cover" = look deeply into people. However, at times, you may need to remind yourself of the true features of people or situations. Is the "true picture" of a person, the "Man's Features", presented and recognized. Do you look for the best but avoid undesirable factors? Is this working, or do you sometimes miss the truth?
Keywords: Projection of beauty. Drawings, paintings, photographs, etc. Art, cosmetics, beauty salons. Hairstyles. Elevated thoughts or memories. Taking someone at face value. Visual senses and clues. Recognition. Caricatures of people. Highlighting features. "Identikit" drawings. Visual prototypes. Profiles. Face reading. Written reviews and references. Viewpoints.
The Caution: Not truly assessing people. Vanity. Superficial judgments. Propaganda. Misleading appearances. Tagging people with labels. Misidentifications. Taking someone the wrong way. Seeing only the best, or the worst. Preconceived beliefs. Feeling misunderstood. Prejudice. Projections.
This Symbol shows a message that is, or needs to be, spread either by writing it down or speaking it. There can, at times, be a desire to reveal one's inner feelings; however the opposite can also be true; you may feel very confronted by the thought of wearing your heart on your sleeve. However you transmit this 'Vital and Confidential Information', it needs to be done from the heart and with integrity. When this is done the right people can see and benefit from it. Be aware of sharing information that isn't yours to share or that breaks confidentiality with someone who trusts you.
Keywords: Wearing your heart on your sleeve. Shared thoughts and feelings. Declaring what needs to be said. "Dear John" letters. Laying one's self on the line through writing things down. Diaries. Letters. Penmanship. Messages of intent. Things said out loud. Confidences.
The Caution: Playing games with information. Pretending to conceal for the purposes of deceit. Blurting things out. Not giving any indication of what’s thought. Being upset about having things out in the open. Passing on the secrets of others. Revealing things that shouldn’t be revealed.
In the situation facing you, you may feel like you're being treated like a scapegoat "hung out to dry"; punished for doing something or being different or special. Signposts and other expressions of faith have a powerful influence. Instead of having a "cross to bear', we can work at realigning ourselves with our true desires and allegiances. This can lead to a stronger sense of purpose and spirituality, dissipating feelings of sacrifice, separation or loneliness. Believing that suffering is the way to salvation has significance for many, but what does it really mean? Don't sacrifice for others; you may not get much appreciation for doing it anyway.
Keywords: Religious ideals dominating. The fear or the wonder of God. Following a mystic path. The need to find a savior. Being alone and forgotten. Monuments to pain and suffering. Tributes to or memories of those lost or gone before. Reminders of salvation. Images of redemption. The Church. Christianity and other religions. Martyrdom. The Inquisition.
The Caution: Aloneness and/or sacrifice or the yearning for it. Dogmatism. Scapegoating. Days in the wilderness alone. Religion dictating against one’s desires or needs. Symbols that inspire guilt and anguish instead of love, acceptance and forgiveness. Institutions disregarding individual rights. Lording it over others. Bullying under the guise of religion. Imposing figures.
Mars symbolizes: Drive, determination or agenda, how you get to your goals. How you express and handle anger, ambition, assertion of self and ability to step forward. The male principle, sexuality, the ability to step up to the plate when one needs to. Fight or flight.
This Symbol shows enthusiasm, joy, confidence and the desire to greet each day with the anticipation of new opportunities. It is true that each day begins the same - the Sun comes up, the world is still spinning - but what the day will bring always holds a bit of a mystery. This is a joyous Symbol of greeting and heralding the day, but there can be a blurring of the concept of whether the "Chanticleer" (the rooster), causes or simply heralds the new day. You may be blessed with the voice to speak of new developments, to make announcements and wake everyone up to the realities of life. Don't make too much of a noise while doing it and you'll rouse people around you to action.
Keywords: Anticipating new opportunities. Waking early. Being a morning person. Having a clear, beautiful or loud voice. Speaking up when it's needed. Heralding the new age. Seeing things ahead of their time. Being attuned to cosmic forces. Change or renewal. Always being on the go. Being eternally vigilant. Alarms that spur to action.
The Caution: Overstating ones role, talents or abilities. Needing a wake-up call (literally and symbolically). Crowing about things—disturbing others. Being noisy when others are trying to sleep. Being loud and irritating.
Jupiter symbolizes: The big picture, expansion, exploration, aspirations, religious and philosophical ideals, issues to do with traveling, foreign lands, people and traditions, culture, education, generosity, luck, abundance, support, optimism. Insight through knowledge and wisdom.
Saturn is stationing direct on Sagittarius 22: A CHINESE LAUNDRY
This Symbol pictures situations where people may not be taken seriously, are expected to perform in a stereotypical way or are shut away because of their culture, or language, or because of racial prejudice. In a "Chinese Laundry" people are often working very hard with little free time and expected to do the 'dirty work' for others for very little in return. Be careful not to shut yourself away as there can be the danger of closing your mind to other options, opportunities and possibilities. This can also picture situations where people are working closely together, speaking the same language, although here, too, there can still be alienation and loneliness.
Keywords: Restrictive expectations. Relations with others because of social duty. Performing tasks. Mediocrity, or the fear of it. Washing machines and dryers. Money and other laundering. Laws and legislation based on social and racial inequality. Issues of belonging. Cleaning up for others. The search for purity. Institutions that inhibit individuality. Convents. Stereotyping people. Work and the rewards it should bring.
The Caution: Giving in to prejudice. Self-inflicted sense of inferiority that can lead to missed opportunities for relating. Feeling trapped with no way out. Not being taken seriously. Doing menial jobs with little reward or real return. Slave labor. Lack of individual identity. Shutters to keep the world out.
This Symbol shows finding a new way of life, a new country or nationality, or new place to live and raise a family. It shows the possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life. Whether you are an "Immigrant" or someone looking to move onto new territory, you need to be prepared to venture out into new adventures for the promise that's offered. Once you've "Fulfilled the Requirements", you can move into this brand new life and reap the rewards. There may need to be adjustments about the way one communicates one's thoughts and ideas - be receptive to this new way of life and you'll learn much. Reorientation of self. Learning new languages or customs. Passing tests (or not). Asylum. Immigration. The Statue of Liberty. Papers. Qualifications. Refugees. Laws. Borders.
Keywords: Reorientation of selfhood. Needing to change things in order to accept a new reality. The necessity of learning new languages or customs to fit in. Visas, passports, papers. Illegal immigrants. Boat people. Customs officials and regulations. Baggage and luggage. Shipping. Qualifications and certifications. Identification. Asylum. Immigration officers. Papers and qualifications that include or exclude. Refugees. Laws. Borders. Ellis Island. Throwing away the known in pursuit of the unknown.
The Caution: Entering new situations with inflexible traditions. Issues of social or racial prejudice, or the suspicion of it. Red tape getting in the way of enjoying life. Those not living up to requirements. Not getting successfully through the paperwork. Being untrue to oneself in order to be accepted. Being rejected or sent back.
Saturn symbolizes: Authority, rules, discipline and obligation The heavy stuff. What we fear, loss, karma, aging, the establishment, orthodoxy, tradition, status, the concept of time, walls, boundaries, limits, older people, restrictions, patience, conquering difficulties.
Uranus is stationing retrograde on Aries 29: THE MUSIC OF THE SPHERES
This Symbol speaks of the beauty of music and harmony and it is particularly intuitive. It doesn't matter if things are going well or not, if you are in tune with the inner voice, this can show an inner accord with your path. Savor the lessons that come and know that everything happens in its own time and you'll grow in wisdom. 'The Music of the Spheres' can show attuning to the messages of astrology, numerology, mathematics and science. Sing, tune into the planets, listen to music, dance and celebrate life.
Keywords: Voices bringing messages. Attuning to the messages inherent in astrology. Harmonies, chords, keys, octaves, tones. Things heard. Natural harmony of life. The beauty of the planets. The measurement of time. Circadian rhythms. Dancing to the wind. The humming of bees. Days of the week. The sound of water over rocks or crystals. The planets speaking through or to you. Sending love. The atomic clock. Harmonics. Musical ratios. Numbers. Numerology. Sound healing.
The Caution: Inflating rational ideas. Delusion or enlightenment? Getting lost in abstractions. Rejecting what’s obvious on an intuitive level in favor of more intellectual answers. Loving the sound of your own voice. Not listening to obvious messages.
The Karmic Degree for Uranus is Aries 28:A LARGE DISAPPOINTED AUDIENCE
This Symbol shows a sense of being an observer or a spectator, sometimes more than being a participant. You may have an inner critic that analyses things. In fact you might feel as though you, or someone else, have failed and left something wanting. But how much is this because too much was expected in the first place? The 'Audience' sometimes only remembers the last performance, so get up and try again. Be aware that you may be your own 'audience'. Do you feel that things have or haven't lived up to expectations? Are you missing out through negative projections? Perhaps your need to feel satisfied, to perform or be fulfilled should be more realistic.
Keywords: Adjustments of expectations bringing realizations about what is really possible. Expecting the response of others. Walking out during a performance. Not listening to something through a lack of interest. Anticipating a different result from what is delivered. Relying on feedback. Lines and queues of people. Criticism. The need to inspire and enthuse.
The Caution: Feeling sad, sorry or letdown because of defeat and frustration. A lot of people left feeling emotionally “wiped-out”. Shattering of illusions. Fickleness. The attitude that one can’t do anything. Everything being out of one’s control. Watching what’s going on and not participating. Being at the mercy of the whims and fancies of others. Judging and analyzing oneself or others. Too many people crammed into one spot. Not getting a seat. Refusal of entry. Booing and hissing.
Uranus symbolizes: The unexpected, things that are individual or 'different'. Charged, energetic dynamics, electricity, light, lightning bolts, sudden changes, those who live on the fringe of society. Sudden turns and twists of fate. Rebellion, surprises, liberation, freedom.
Neptune is retrograde on Pisces 13: A SWORD, USED IN MANY BATTLES, IS NOW IN A MUSEUM
This shows knowing when to stop battling in life, when to lay down one's "Sword" and take up a higher position that reflects a more intelligent or spiritual way of being in the world. Sometimes, when reminded of the battles of the past, we are influenced towards actions that ensure peace. We are uplifted by the symbolic memory of past deeds of valor, although stings of defeat may be part of the story. You may be faced with the choice of fighting or reasoning which is confused by your lack of training or experience in the ways of "Battle". Don't go down with the ship. It helps to lay down one's 'sword' - not in order to surrender, but to stop the 'warring'
Keywords: Willpower. Martial arts. Putting aside thoughts of vengeance and revenge. Hanging up or laying down one's 'Sword'. Trophies of conquest that remind us of the past. History. Aging and maturing. Retirement. Remnants of battles. Souvenirs of the past. "Words as swords". The Spear of Destiny. The Sword Excalibur. Disarming weapons. The search for truth and justice. Suits of armor. Peace at last. Sexual impotence.
The Caution: A lack of sensitivity. A pretense of one’s abilities. Giving up and “falling on one’s sword” from defeat. Grudges. Wanting to go into ‘Battle’ at the slightest excuse. Selfish agendas. Weapons of mass destruction or weapons of mass distraction? Pre-emptive strikes. Defensive behavior. Domestic violence.
Neptune symbolizes: Mystical, "out there," spirituality and con artists. Dreams, mysteries, mystics and religious issues. Intuition, clairvoyance, seeing into the invisible. Addictive, chaotic, charming, deceptive, illusory, co dependent, sensory awareness.
This Symbol shows getting rid of the restraints imposed by social conditioning and inhibitions; to strip down to bare essentials and not be ashamed of it. The "Young Person" is enjoying the feeling of not having clothes or costume to constrain or cover them. They are also letting the sun and the air contact their skin which is very healthy and revivifying. Although there may be some feelings of being 'exposed', really letting go and not worrying about being 'seen' can lead to feelings of freedom. This applies to a freeing up or exposing on a spiritual and emotional level as well, it's not confined to physical realities.
Keywords: Confrontations with one's self. Reconnecting with nature. A desire to "reveal" oneself mentally, physically or emotionally. Issues with weight. The manipulation of the female form in the media. Exhibitionism. Learning to let go of extraneous things. Confronting puritanism. Being at one with the environment. Releasing inhibitions. Stripping. Streaking. Sun lotions.
The Caution: Suppression of natural attitudes. Bondage to social inhibitions. Feeling “indecent” about one’s bodily responses. Hiding one’s self away OR being an exhibitionist. Showing off with no concern for other’s feelings. Shocking and surprising behavior.
Pluto symbolizes: Unconscious motivations, depth psychology, history. Sex, procreation at a deep level, intensity, profound emotions, taking hold of one's power. Being king or queen of one's underworld. Strength, survival mode instincts. Big money. Big power. The Plutocracy. Power vs power struggles.
Chiron is retrograde on Pisces 28: A FERTILE GARDEN UNDER THE FULL MOON
This shows enjoying nature and the fruits of your life, your country, your culture. There's often a sense that one has all that's needed, and emotions can be running high. The "Fertile Garden" signifies that you have things that you need at your disposal. This Symbol has a strong clairvoyant sense to it, with the ability to pick up on subtle energies and life forms in the environment. You'll get a lot of opportunities to enjoy the moment, but keep a sense of equilibrium, as soon the energy will be on the wane and you'll have to get back to more practical, everyday tasks.
Keywords: Fullness and fertility. Peak of energy and experiences. Brilliantly active unconscious life. Cycles. Waiting for the right time to approach or handle a situation. The effect of the moon. Astrology and predictive practices. The time for harvesting the rewards of hard work. Nature sprites. Vegetables, herbs and nature's bounty.
The Caution: Jealous protection of possessions. Not being able to make one’s mind up because of the number of possibilities. Missed opportunities. Emotions that get out of hand. Psychic confusion. Difficulty sleeping or shutting down the mind. Missed opportunities. Night shadows.
Chiron symbolizes: Our wounds, Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. The wounds are The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, it is where we have to focus on healing, it can show things that are out of shape or misplaced or in need of repair.
This Symbol implies the need to push ahead in difficult times, going alone and coping even in the most difficult circumstances. It also shows being self sufficient, or someone with a big journey to complete. You may find that your situation has been like an arduous journey, but there could still be further to go. Be confident that you have the reserves to survive and the endurance to succeed. Although you may like the company and assistance of others, in the end you can really rely only on yourself. Self sufficiency and mental self-control are necessary as is a commitment to get to the other side of your issue.
Keywords: Completing a journey. Protecting oneself from spiritual "sunstroke". Tests of karma. Taking on daunting tasks. Taking one step at a time. Feeling totally at home. Provisions that nurture and satisfy. Camels, caravans, oasis, mirages, water, deserts. Stamina and fortitude. Crossing to the other side. Endurance. Thirst. Survival against the odds. Transport. Bad backs. Back packs. Cargo. Saddling up.
The Caution: Not preparing properly and running out of reserves. Feeling weighed down and in danger of not making it through. Not seeing the big picture. Lack of sustenance. Big plans with no back up. Taking on huge tasks when one shouldn’t. Being daunted by huge projects. Mirages that confuse objectives.
The Moon's North Node symbolizes: This is known as quite a 'karmic point' (although all planets and points in a chart can be 'karmic'). One's destiny in this life. The things you are meant to integrate, move towards, become. Destined relationships and relationship issues can show up here.
This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to find balance, to find your center so that you might be more effective, stable and organized. As the "Butterfly" has a "Right Wing More Perfectly Formed", you may be applying your rational logical mind out of balance to your intuitive and creative wisdom, or, vice versa. It is often harder to understand your intuitive messages, but reliance on logic can limit your possibilities. However, not applying logic can lead to big problems as well. There can be physical handicaps which may prevent one from truly doing what one wants, or strange imbalances on the spiritual level.
Keywords: Rising above life's distortions. A need to bring some type of balance to situations. Injuries or problems with hands or arms. One side being more 'Perfect' than the other. The 'Right' being better than the left. Mutations. Handicaps. Challenges. Disabilities. Impediments. Let us take things as we find them: let us not attempt to distort them into what they are not. We cannot make facts. All our wishing cannot change them. We must use them. John Henry Cardinal Newman
The Caution: Imbalances and physical distortions. Asymmetry. An imbalance of functions leading to involuntary flapping around. Distortions of reactions or of the truth. Lopsidedness. Hindrances. Being at a disadvantage. Feeling incapacitated.
The Moon's South Node symbolizes: Past karmic patterns to be overcome, can be habits that are good, but can describe things, relationships, issues that you need to let go of, or, hold you back from manifesting your true destiny. Relationships that feel karmic and difficult, memories from the past.
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